Toby Din

Facade / Got the Spirit

HomeScreen Arts Film ProductionToby Din

Toby Din - Producer and Art Director
Me preparing a plate of prop food on set (Got the Spirit).
Holding blankets for our cast (Facade).

Bachelor of Screen Arts

I worked as a producer for Facade, and an art director for Got the Spirit. These roles helped me to dive into both the administrative and creative aspects of filmmaking. Working across these projects, I have learned how to manage a film across all stages of production, as well as develop my artistry. My experiences have inspired me to pursue a future in producing, as well as directing.

Facade follows two young adults living with chronic pain (Fibromyalgia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) as they discuss a first date and a new job over a picnic lunch. Although they live with difficult health conditions, these girls choose humour as a way to cope with life and support each other. We jump back and forth, from the present time at the picnic, to flashbacks, as the girls discuss their lives.

When amateur DJ Dan dies unexpectedly, his girlfriend Paris is secretly relieved she never had to break up with him. Unfortunately, Dan returns as a ghost — believing his unfinished business is to fix their relationship, the last thing Paris needs. Got the Spirit is a dramedy about conflict avoidance, embarrassing boyfriends, and how romance in your 20s collides with identity. Sometimes, an exorcism feels easier than talking about your feelings…

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Exhibition location
Block 1 Level D