On location during the second day of shooting.

Official Poster

Behind the Scenes Stills by Finn Davey

Film Stills
Bachelor of Screen Arts with Honours
As the DoP of ‘Kina’, I had the opportunity to explore my craft in my honours year. I’m proud of undertaking the tough challenge of natural lighting to mould the look of film- avoiding the use of studio lighting. Restricting my tool kit to the bare basics was an incredibly difficult while rewarding experience, allowing a further understanding of my craft that I’m excited to show off with ‘Kina’.
‘Kina’ is a family short film set in a post-apocalyptic world where life is peaceful. The film follows Kina, a 13 year old living alone. Her anxiety grows when the fairy lights that give her solace break, leaving her in darkness. ‘Kina’ is intended for 10-15 year olds, for pre-teens who struggle from anxiety and existential dread, to help them understand their own feelings and that they aren’t alone.
‘Kina’ is a family short film set in a post-apocalyptic world where life is peaceful. The film follows Kina, a 13 year old living alone. Her anxiety grows when the fairy lights that give her solace break, leaving her in darkness. ‘Kina’ is intended for 10-15 year olds, for pre-teens who struggle from anxiety and existential dread, to help them understand their own feelings and that they aren’t alone.