Oberon Romond

Nokia Low

HomeScreen Arts Film ProductionOberon Romond

USBGOTH - IN THE GROUND (MUSIC VIDEO) Made as a test production for Nokia Low

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

This year I had the privilege to be the writer and director for Nokia Low. This project aimed to give New Zealand actors the opportunity to express powerful performances in a believable story. The project's focus led our crew to prioritize story in all technical and creative aspects, and I believe led to our making of a successful film. I'm excited to continue making art with story as its focus.

Nokia Low is a short film drama that details a toxic, codependent relationship. Michael supports him and his girlfriend, Jasmine. Jasmine is an addict, and depends on Michael to fund her expensive addiction. Michael loves her, and knows if she keeps using, she will die. But he cannot bring himself to deny her the money. Because he is obsessed with the fear that she will leave him if he does.
Exhibition location
Block 1 Level D