Iris Garstang

Who Do We Have Here? Wizard Mischief

HomeScreen Arts Film ProductionIris Garstang

Me & Mrs Bon Bon
The 'Who Do We Have Here?' team
Who Do We Have Here? Day 3
Who Do We Have Here? Day 3

Bachelor of Screen Arts

I got the pleasure of working on two films this year as an Art Director. The main film I worked on was ‘Who Do We Have Here’ it took seven weeks of painting sets, prop sourcing and creating until everything was ready. It was so amazing seeing my work transform from my concept art into real-life sets and such a rewarding opportunity. I think one of the best things I gained this year was the relationships with my teammates in both films, I valued working with each and everyone and I hope to work with them again.

Who Do We Have Here? Tells the story of children's TV show character, Dilly Bog, is awoken into human form from a soft-toy, he struggles to adapt to the unfamiliar world around him. Dilly Bog interrogates the show’s characters about his existence and purpose, disrupting the show’s structure. This short thriller/comedy aims to warp the nostalgia people have surrounding the shows they grew up with.

Wizard Mischief is an absurdist, neo-gothic short film about wizards, imps and fairies. It follows Lucy, a cruel and impulsive wizard, as she is followed by mischievous imps and culminates with a confrontation with the Fairy Queen over the grave of her mother.
Exhibition location
Block 1 Level D