Emily Leybourne (CynixSera)

Hippie Jones, Bobbi Bones, Still Blue, Echoes Abyss

Moriori o Rekohu, Ngati Mutanga (Wharekauri/Chatham Islands), Te Ati Awa, Ngati Kahungungu (ki Te Wairoa)

HomeScreen Arts AnimationEmily Leybourne (CynixSera)

2D animated fire pillar - used in Bobbi Bones
On Day 2 of Still Blue Production
Cloud Fish - a concept creature (WIP)
Chihiro from Spirited Away - a fanart piece

Bachelor of Screen Arts

In my final year at Massey, I wanted to be involved in as much as possible. I hopped into 4 major projects and each one brought its own unique experiences. My roles were artist/animator for 3/4 major projects (Hippie Jones, Bobbi Bones, Echoes' Abyss). It was enriching to feel how different teams communicated and developed their creative processes. Each style was vastly different from one another and the art reflected that. The 4th project I joined, 'Still Blue' was my first experience working on a film set. Moving off digital and into a physical, tangible space was incredibly fun! I took on the role of Art Director, picked up some film lingo and was inspired to continue pursuing more leadership roles. Being amongst such a diverse variety of projects (game, animation, film) has given me more methods to approach my own creative endeavors.

'Still Blue' tells the story of an attentive middle-aged man, William Daihbis, visiting his Mother in an elderly care Dementia unit over the course of her final year of life. The film explores the challenges that a disease like Alzheimer's has on what was once a tight-knit family of two and denotes the themes of whether or not it's worth the hardship/stress that it takes to continue the relationship.



Exhibition location
Block 1 Level D