A Distorted View Instillation in process.

A Distorted View, digital book introduction

A Distorted View, digital book defining dyslexia.

A Disorted View, digital book sight word activity
Bachelor of Design with Honours
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disorders, making up 80% of people with a learning disorder. However, unfortunately, it is a silent issue in New Zealand. A Distorted View is an installation and digital book to create empathy and understanding for Dyslexic learners. Enabling neurotypical people to experience dyslexia. The Digital book is an interactive educational tool that allows users to experience and learn about dyslexia, narrated by a dyslexic school girl Polly. A Distorted View targets 11 - 14-year-old school kids, the installation will travel around schools where kids are taken out of class to engage with the installation and then launch the digital book.