Tegan Pirimona


HomeSpatial DesignTegan Pirimona

The main crate opened up and transformed into an interaction space for communities to connect and make kai. Offering a moment to settle amongst chaos.
The toolkit is to be used in conjunction with a community hall or evacuation site to allow the surrounding community to gather and find support.
Volunteers from the community to unpack toolkit and unload components. All components are then wheeled into the evacuation site to meet the needs of evacuees.
The process of components being unloaded. Tables and chairs are pulled down from the top of the crate and used to make a dining space.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

When disaster strikes, evacuated communities need somewhere safe to land. Marae, schools and community halls are often activated, but local councils may struggle to meet the immediate practical and emotional support needs of evacuees and volunteers. This research proposes an emergency response toolkit, delivered by councils to existing venues. The design of the toolkit’s portable components follows Te Whare Tapa Whā and Trauma-Informed Design frameworks to offer holistic wellbeing support in difficult times.


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Exhibition location
Block 12 Level B