Yifan Li

Bone Blood Skin - An experimental fashion process connecting culture, craft and identity

HomeMaster of DesignYifan Li

反骨 (Fan Gu) Back Bone
挣扎 Struggle
表演 Performance
骨莲 The Lotus

Master of Design

Cultural and personal identity is an everchanging negotiation of values and learned social patterns. In this practice-led research my focus is to explore how culture and thinking impact, and expand my identity as a Chinese fashion designer. This reflective fashion design process explores traditional Chinese crafts to create experimental pieces, evaluating how traditional culture and identity can evolve creative thinking and responses. This exploratory design process is led by metaphorical translations of bone, blood and skin as a framework. A reflective method can help inform a greater understanding of self-identity and cultural impact. Identifying a changing identity highlight that everything has two sides, even the culture through fashion design.

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Exhibition location
Block 12 Level C