1984 Lost Bumblebee: Growing Together

Growing Together Smallies: Customizable base to recreate your old plushies

Huxley The Cerberus: Growing Together

Jb a Bear from Childhood: Growing together
Bachelor of Design with Honours
This project was to create Designer Toys inspired by a clients childhood toy. The benefit of this is each toy is custom made to suit the client and thus reflect why they collect toys. It can also represent a person fully, taking an aspect/s of their past and abstracting it along with who they have become to make a catered art piece.
The College of Creative Arts would like to recognise and celebrate that RJ is the first student to complete the new subject major, Integrated design. RJ's work is a result of integrating Industrial design and Concept design.
The College of Creative Arts would like to recognise and celebrate that RJ is the first student to complete the new subject major, Integrated design. RJ's work is a result of integrating Industrial design and Concept design.