Stulp, 2023, whenua pigment watercolour (mud from Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana) and oil (willow charcoal) on paper, 25x1000cm, installed at Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana

Flood Line, 2023, mud, whenua pigment oil and watercolour (Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana), store-bought oil and pastel on linen and hemp canvases at 400x600mm

Flood Line, 2023, mud, whenua pigment oil and watercolour (Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana), store-bought oil and pastel on linen and hemp canvases at 40x60cm

traces left behind and imprints silently borne, 2023, mud (Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana) on linen, 197×230cm, installed at Boggy Pond, Wairarapa Moana
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours
My practice celebrates the entanglement of humans with their environments by prioritising creative collaboration with and in the natural environment. This process bridges the separation of culture and nature, and fosters deeper connections between myself, my art, and the world I inhabit. What is our position, relationship, and responsibility to the land?
Glistening investigates constructions of landscape and wilderness in collaboration with the wetlands of Wairarapa Moana.
Glistening investigates constructions of landscape and wilderness in collaboration with the wetlands of Wairarapa Moana.