Mark Robertson (Maaka)

Purenga Ihomatua

Ngāi Tahu

HomeFine ArtsMark Robertson (Maaka)

The colonisation filing cabinet a reverse Pandora's box containing files with all the pain and trauma of colonisation sealed inside
Education Cuts Do Not Heal

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

A recurring theme of my mahi toi practice is decolonisation and indigenisation. My focus is currently on decolonisation as I wish to encourage everyone to participate in decolonising the planet. This is a mana enhancing process to create a better Aotearoa through mahi toi. Whereas colonisation creates a bitter Aotearoa . Repurposing colonial tools such as filing cabinets and Christianity to decolonise Aotearoa and pay respect to the Māori prophets.
Exhibition location
Block 2 Level E