Chloe Mason

The Sea and the Self

HomeFine ArtsChloe Mason

Receding Twice Daily, kodak ektar 100 buried in seaweed, 40 x 50in inkjet print, 2023.
The Sea and the Self is an Old Conversation, single channel video still, super 8, 2023.
The Sea and the Self is an Old Conversation, single channel video still, super 8 developed with seaweed caffenol, 2023.

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

The Sea and the Self features a Super 8 film of the intertidal zone at Mākara beach, accompanied by a recited poem. Black and white footage has been developed using seaweed, allowing the shoreline to image itself. An additional print displays 4x5” sheet film, previously buried amongst mounds of seaweed, visualising the seashore reacting with the film emulsion and providing a platform for the non-human to express upon.
Exhibition location
Block 2 Level E