The magnitude of my grief corresponds with how much I loved her. Modelled by Brennan Kubala, Karen Ferguson, Pakorn Putthapipat, Tessa Burke, and Timothy Osborne.

Depression, sorrow, shock, dissociation, fury. T-shirts and jeans morph to create sensory nightmares that encapsulate my varying stages of grief.

A wildfire of fury modelled by Pakorn Putthapipat

Drowning in isolation modelled by Brennan Kubala
Bachelor of Design with Honours
On the 22/12/22 at 9.47am I found out that my friend had been brutally murdered. Grief is horrific but grief is also a symptom of love, and you can't have one without the other. Clothing worn for mourning a loved one shows others that they're mourning, but it doesn't communicate HOW they're grieving. I wanted to change that.