Kristina Jewel Gibbs

Ko te kete aronui o Mārama

Ngāi Tahu, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō

HomeConcept DesignKristina Jewel Gibbs

A digital render showcasing one quarter of the Māramataka outdoor learning tool concept.
An exemplar of the visual design elements seen within the Māramataka outdoor learning tool, highlighting atua narratives and harvesting practices within te ao Māori.
A close up contextual image highlighting the functionality of the concept.
A full-scale contextual image highlighting the intended scale and target audience of the concept.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Ko te kete aronui o Mārama is an outdoor designed concept with interactive qualities, designed for pēpi to facilitate wānanga between parent and child surrounding the mātauranga within Māramataka, the Māori lunar calendar. The purpose behind this mahi is to educate pēpi on kaitiakitanga, prioritising whānau and personal hauora, helping build their identity as tamariki Māori. This project for me personally was created as a taonga for my niece, Kahurangi.
Exhibition location
Block 12 Level D